What are Church Ministries?
Church Ministries include the day-to-day needs of our church and the programs that we run, as well as the financial support our church provides to the ministries of our church classis in BC and the CRCNA throughout the world.
Giving Methods
Cheque or Cash
At a Sunday service, place your cheque or cash into the blue bins labelled “Offering” by the sanctuary doors.
Make all cheques out to Duncan Christian Reformed Church.
To designate funds to a specific cause, ensure you note the cause on the cheque’s memo line or on the offering envelope. Any loose cash or cheques not designated for a specific cause will go to Church Ministries.
If you want to receive a yearly tax receipt for your contributions, please use the envelopes provided in the seats and write your name and address on it before depositing in the bins.
Automatic Withdrawl
Give on an ongoing basis using pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account.
Funds will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 20th of each month (or next business day).
To setup your automatic withdrawals, fill out this printable form and return with VOID cheque to Joel D. All changes must be received before the 9th to be reflected in that month’s withdrawal.
All offerings through this method are used for Church Ministries.
Log in to your bank’s online banking and navigate to the Send Interac e-Transfer area. Your first time using this method you will need to add giving@duncancrc.org as a new recipient. (You can leave the mobile phone number blank, and if it asks for a security question you can make up anything. We are setup for auto-deposit so the security question will not be used.)
To designate a portion of your offering to a specific cause, note the amount for that cause(s) in the note with your transfer. Any undesignated funds will go to Church Ministries.
If you are a first time contributor to our church, please include your address in the notes (or email it to giving@duncancrc.org) the first time you give so we can issue your yearly tax receipt.